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Person Authority

Current Version February, 2025

The zip-archive provided here includes the data of the person authority database in XML/TEI.

authority_person.2025-02.zip [8.29mb, 2025-02-01 01:06]
authority_person_rdf.2020-12.rdf [58.57mb, 2020-12-04 12:06]

This data is also hosted in a public repository at github. You can find the repository here.

Place Authority

Current Version February, 2025

The zip-archive provided here includes the data of the place authority database in XML/TEI.

authority_place.2025-02.zip [3.92mb, 2025-02-01 01:08]
authority_place_rdf.2020-12.rdf [38.34mb, 2020-12-04 12:06]

This data is also hosted in a public repository at github. You can find the repository here.

Time Authority

Current Version February, 2012

Here you may download the raw data for the DILA Time Authority Database. The archives provided below include a SQL dump (produced by MySQL 5.x), as well as documentation pertaining to the database structure and contents. Periodic updates are published at this address. The current version was produced in February, 2012.

This data is also hosted in a public repository at github. You can find the repository here.


authority_time.2012-02.zip [1.34mb, 2012-02-09 16:25]

This archive contains the entire data-set, including the Chinese, Japanese and Korean calendars.

Chinese Only

authority_time_chinese.2012-02.zip [667.64kb, 2012-02-09 16:25]

This archive contains only the information require to reconstruct the Chinese portion of the Time Authority Database. This data has been assembled by DILA between 2008 and 2010, it covers Chinese calendar dates between 220 BCE and 1912 CE.

Japanese Only

authority_time_japanese.2012-02.zip [293.24kb, 2012-02-09 16:25]

This archive contains only the information require to reconstruct the Japanese portion of the Time Authority Database. This data has been assembled by DILA between 2008 and 2010, building on data provided by Mr. Takashi SUGA, to whom we are most grateful. The dataset covers Japanese calendar dates between 593 CE and 1872 CE.

Korean Only

authority_time_korean.2012-02.zip [603.35kb, 2012-02-09 16:26]

This archive contains only the information require to reconstruct the Korean portion of the Time Authority Database. This data has been assembled by DILA between 2009 and 2010 and covers Korean calendar dates between 56 BCE and 1885 CE. The Korean calendar data should be understood as extension to the Chinese dataset above. The Korean calendar has a special relationship to the Chinese calendar and, in a special form of calendric prolepsis, sometimes retained era names beyond their use in China. Certain proleptic dates used in Korean texts (e.g. 150th year of 崇禎 (~1777 CE)) are part of the Chinese calendar dataset.

Creative Commons License The DDBC Time Authority Database from Dharma Drum Buddhist College (法鼓佛教學院)
is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 Taiwan License.