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Web Data-Provider Services

Query for Place entity

本規範檔條目服務僅提供由法鼓文理學院所修纂之部分約 18,000 筆,並未包含由中央研究院「中華文明之時空基礎架構系統,第一版,中央研究院,台北,台灣,2002」所授權之部分約 40,000 筆。
Please note that in case of the place authority database in the downloads as well as in the API only the c. 18,000 entries created at the Dharma Drum Institute of Liberal Arts can be made available. In addition to those entires the online search interface provides access to another c. 40,000 entries that are provided under an agreement with Academia Sinica (Chinese Civilization in Time and Space, Version 1.0, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, 2002).

URI format:



Argument Value(s) Description
type "place" Specifies the query type
id <AuthorityID> The DDBC Authority ID of the entity
jsoncallback <string> Required by third-party JavaScript libraries (e.g. EXT Js) to perform ajax functions. The value of jsoncallback has no effect on query processing, but will be attached to the beginning of the returned json string.



Json return:

    "data1": {
        "authorityID": "PL000000023253",
        "name": "嵩山",
        "dynasty": "慣用名",
        "long": "113.003188",
        "lat": "34.519744",
        "districtModern": "中國-河南省-鄭州市-登封市",
        "note": "位於河南省西部,屬伏牛山系,地處登封市西北面,是五嶽的中嶽。總面積約450平方公里,又分為少室山和太室山兩部分,共72峰,最高峰峻極峰。嵩山是中國道教聖地,佛教的發祥地,也是中國新儒教的誕生地。素有「汴洛兩京、畿內名山」之稱。於奇異的峻峰,宮觀林立,故為中原地區第一名山。(明清序:236;http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/嵩山</a>,2011.12.14;http://www.zdic.net/嵩少</a>,2012.04.17)",
        "lang": "中文",
        "names": "[中文] 嵩高山,中嶽,外方,崇山,岳山,中嶽嵩山,嵩高,嵩嶽,嵩少",
        "pinyin": {
            "嵩山": "sōng shān",
            "嵩高山": "sōng gāo shān",
            "中嶽": "zhōng yuè",
            "外方": "wài fāng",
            "崇山": "chóng shān",
            "岳山": "yuè shān",
            "中嶽嵩山": "zhōng yuè sōng shān",
            "嵩高": "sōng gāo",
            "嵩嶽": "sōng yuè",
            "嵩少": "sōng shào"

Fields in Json string:

Field Name Description
name Authoritative name of the Place entity
dynasty Dynasty relating to the Place entity
authorityID Authority ID of the Place entity
long Geographic longitude
lat Geographic latitude
districtModern Modern administrative district in which the Place entity is (was) located
names Other names (and/or titles) associated with the Place entity
note A description of this Place
mergeTo The Place ID that this place has been merged to, if one exists

JavaScript example for processing json string:

			function print_ddbcAuth_place(jsoncallback) { // 'jsoncallback' is the string returned by the data-service
    var html='';
	if(jsoncallback.data1.Name) {
		html+='<td><em>Place name:</em></td><td>'+jsoncallback.data1.Name+'</td>';
	if(jsoncallback.data1.X) {

	echo html;